Event Date/Time
October 29, 2020, 11:00am
Event Location
The Virtual Career Fair is being held by the DOE Office of Science’s Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) program as an opportunity for students to learn about DOE-supported internship programs at the DOE National Laboratories, have their questions answered by lab staff and DOE program managers, and chat with research mentors and previous internship participants.
Virtual Career Fair: https://orau.6connex.com/event/LIVE/WDTS20Q4/login - DOE_WDTS_VirtualCareerFair_Oct2020.pdf
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI): https://science.osti.gov/wdts/suli - DOE_WDTS_SULI_flier.pdf
Community College Internships (CCI): https://science.osti.gov/wdts/cci - DOE_WDTS_CCI_flier.pdf