Program Requirements
Applied Mathematics MS/PhD
Biomolecular Engineering & Bioinformatics MS/PhD
Computational Media MS/PhD
Computer Engineering MS/PhD
CMPE Course Requirement Checklist
CMPE Base Requirement Form (This is a required form for CMPE students. It must be signed off and returned to the department graduate advisor.)
Computer Science & Engineering MS/PhD
CMPS PhD/MS Course Requirement Checklist (PhD-current, MS- Fall 2011-Spring 2015)
CMPS MS Course Requirement Checklist (Effective Fall 2015)
Electrical & Computer Engineering MS/PhD
Games & Playable Media MS
Human Computer Interaction MS
Natural Language Processing MS
Scientific Computing & Applied Mathematics MS
Serious Games MS
Statistical Science MS/PhD
Designated Emphasis
Human Language Media and Modeling
This program will enhance the training of master's and doctoral students in conducting research around issues related to theories and computational models of human language data in a range of media.
Robotics and Control Emphasis
The Robotics and Control Designated Emphasis (graduate minor) may be pursued with any UCSC graduate program, but is most appropriate for students in the Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering graduate programs. Students pursuing the designated emphasis satisfy all the requirements of their home MS or PhD program, as well as course, seminar, and research requirements related to Robotics and Control. Read More>>
Scientific Computing
Students from another degree program who meet requirements can have the designated emphasis of "statistics" annotated to their degree title. For example, a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering who meets the requirements would get a certification that read "Ph.D. Electrical Engineering with an Emphasis in Statistics". Read More>>