Hi all!
We are researchers with Baskin Engineering at UCSC conducting a study to explore the experiences and challenges of people who commute to/from rural areas of San Lorenzo Valley (e.g., Felton, Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Brookdale, Bonny Doon) and sub/urban areas. This study involves an approximately 1 hour interview. Upon successful completion of the study, participants will receive a $40 gift certificate at either Amazon, Target, Starbucks or Walmart. Your participation will be anonymous. If you can devote 1 hour worth of your time and if you are eligible for our interview, we’d really appreciate your time and effort. If interested, please sign up on the link : tinyurl.com/2tz983xx (or scan the QR code) provided in the poster to be considered for the study.
Flyer: Ruralsuburban_commute.png