Research Videos

Here you can see videos of some of the areas of research for Graduate Students at the Baskin School of Engineering.


For a full listing of research and faculty associated see this page on our main website:


Other research links from the main BSOE website:




The Students Designing the Video Games of the Future: Masters of Gaming

Waypoint visits UC Santa Cruz's Games and Playable Media Graduate Program, where they're creating the next generation of video game designers.

Applied mathematics and statistics are disciplines devoted to the use of mathematical methods and reasoning to solve real-world problems of a scientific or decision-making nature in a wide variety of subjects, principally (but not exclusively) in engineering, medicine, the physical and biological sciences, and the social sciences.

Professor Holger Schmidt gives a tour of his labs and discusses his research in optofluidics. By working together, Schmidt and his UC Santa Cruz colleagues have discovered important biomedical applications for this technology.

Building the Global Platform for Genomics

Cancer Research

The Center for Research in Storage Systems in a University/Industry cooperative center that is partially funded by the National Science Foundation and primarily funded by industrial partners.

Professor Ricardo Sanfelice and his Hybrid Systems Lab works to develop Cyber Physical Systems that incorporate networks, computers, and physics. applied to aerial vehicles and systems that operate in complex environments.

Phil Berman, a veteran vaccine researcher now at the University of California, Santa Cruz, explains why he is optimistic about the prospects for an effective AIDS vaccine. Berman's lab has developed new vaccine candidates that he thinks are promising enough to consider advancing into clinical trials within the next two years. For more information, see

Sri Kuniawan, Associate Professor of Computational Media and Computer Engineering, is leading her student to research and develop games and applications to help people with special needs.

Faculty and students in the BSOE Computer Engineering Department are researching and developing applications that will enable the internet to evolve and get to the next level.

The BSOE Statistics faculty is the considered one of the best applied Bayesian departments in the world. The faculty collaborate with other departments across campus to use statistical models to create real world applications from massive amounts of data.

Professor of Computational Media, Katherine Currie Isbister and her students use games to explore how technology can influence human's emotional experiences.