Oakes College CARA Program: Call for Summer 2021 Course Proposals

Applications due Thursday, November 12th at noon (PST) to oakscara@ucsc.edu

The Oakes College Community-based Action Research and Advocacy or CARA program builds on the mission of Oakes College to support students of color and to leverage university-based education for social and political change. Our courses support Oakes students to build connections with community-based organizations and to gain tangible skills they can leverage for social justice work in various contexts, from grassroots activism, working with nonprofits, public agencies, and beyond.

We strongly encourage applicants to propose courses that will support existing partnerships they bring with community-based organizations, and in which students collaborate as a class or work in teams on a concrete project. Alternatively, courses may be structured to support students to connect independently with community-based organizations in their home communities, given the possibility of continued remote learning. Courses may also focus on supporting students to develop specific skills-sets that are relevant to community-based organizing, activism, or nonprofit settings. 


  1. Master's degree (or equivalent foreign degree) at the time of application; or a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent foreign degree) and completion of at least one year of a Ph.D. program at the time of application; or a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent foreign degree) and at least two years of teaching experience at the college level at the time of application.*
  2. Experience with providing instruction in an educational environment (e.g., instructor of record, teaching assistant, etc.).
  3. Experience in community activism, community organizing, nonprofits, or community-engaged partnerships, as relevant to the proposed course.

* Community members with relevant expertise are also considered and are encouraged to apply.


Lecturers are paid at the annual standard lecturer rate, unless otherwise justified based on expertise. For more details about payment rates from summer 2020 and pay dates, please visit the UCSC Summer Session website.

Teaching Dates

UCSC Summer Session courses are 5 weeks long. 5-unit courses meet 7 hours/week (two days, 3.5 hours each day) and 2-unit courses meet 3 hours/week. Instructors should be prepared to teach online and can utilize a combination of synchronous and asynchronous assignments.

Summer Session 1:                June 21, 2021 - July 23, 2021

Summer Session 2:                July 26, 2021 - August 27, 2021

CARA Courses

Applicants may propose a course that fits under the current CARA Program course offerings or propose a new course. Some potential new CARA courses may include:

●      Financial Literacy for Social Justice

●      Data Collection & Analysis for Community Organizing

●      Coding for Social Justice

●      Political Education for Community Organizing

●      Writing for Non-Profit Organizations

New courses are subject to approval per the Academic Senate's Committee on Educational Policy (CEP). Proposals for new courses should indicate whether or not they fulfill any General Education requirements.

Application Instructions

To apply, send the following documents by Thursday, November 12th at 12:00 PM PST to: oakscara@ucsc.edu

  1. Cover letter
    1. Discuss your interest and qualifications
    2. Discuss your approach to teaching a course in 5 weeks, possibly in an online format
    3. Structure of course, including the proportion of class time/coursework dedicated to community-partnership (if applicable)
    4. Describe your existing relationship with proposed community partner (if applicable) or your plan for supporting students to develop relationships with community-partners in advance of the course start-date
    5. Identify which summer session -first, second, or both- you are available to teach
  2. CV or Resume
  3. Syllabus for proposed course. Please view the Summer Session's guidelines for syllabi development. You can also view sample syllabi on the Summer Session's website. We recommended you include:
  1. Relevant learning outcomes
  2. Structure of course and any community-engaged component (synchronous, asynchronous, combination)
  3. Discussion topics by week with associated readings and learning activities
  4. Summary of assignments
  1. A brief email from your community partner (forwarded with the application or sent directly to oakscara@usc.edu) indicating their interest in collaborating with you as the Instructor for the course and their availability: first, second, or both sessions

Questions about courses we’d be interested in sponsoring? Or other questions? Contact the Oakes CARA Program Director and Community Liaison, Sheeva Sabati, Ph.D., at oakscara@ucsc.edu.