BSOE Graduate Student Newsletter
New Announcements
2021-22 Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship CompetitionHacking4Oceans 2021 Spring Course
SDSC’s Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Machine Learning (CIML) Summer Institute
SDSC's Annual High-Performance Computing and Data Science Summer Institute
2021-22 Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship Competition*PLEASE NOTE THE UPCOMING UNIVERSITY DEADLINES*
2021 Los Angeles Review of Books Publishing Workshop Fellowship Program
Office Hours with Associate Vice Chancellor/Chief Diversity Officer Linda Scholz
Open Call - JSMF - 2021 Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
Registration now open for the 17th annual Graduate Research Symposium
SDSC HPC User Training Series 2021
Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education
Anthem Internship Opportunity
Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning (CITL) Teaching for Equity Graduate Certificate Program - Spring 2021
CART Fellowship Application Now Open
Hacking4Oceans 2021 Spring Course
SDSC GPU Hackathon to be held in May- APPLY Now!
SDSC’s Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Machine Learning (CIML) Summer Institute
SDSC's Annual High-Performance Computing and Data Science Summer Institute
2021-22 Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship Competition
You will find attached the call for the 2021-22 Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship Competition.
Nominations should be submitted via email to by May 2.
FLYER: Guru_Gobind_Singh_call_2021-22_UCSC.pdf
Please note the following upcoming university deadlines, and ALWAYS check the Academic and Administrative Calendar for important dates and deadlines. Bookmark this year's Academic and Administrative Calendar and refer to it regularly.
Friday, April 16th Deadline to Add/Drop/Swap Courses
This is your last day to add, drop and swap courses. You will not be able to drop or withdraw from courses after this deadline has passed. If you are enrolled in a placeholder class, you MUST drop it by this deadline. More information on how to add, drop, and swap classes is available on the registrar website.
Friday, April 16th Grade Option
This is your last day to change your grading option for any courses you are enrolled in.
IMPORTANT: The system defaults to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading. Instructions for how to change your grading option to letter grades (ABC) can be found here.
Friday, May 7th Late Add with Fee Deadline
The Add by Petition form requires the signatures of both the instructor and the department adviser and needs to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
Friday, August 27th Leave of Absence Summer Deadline
Deadline to petition for leave of absence (LOA) beginning the next quarter. LOA forms must be approved/signed by your faculty advisor and submitted to the BSOE Graduate Advising office by the posted deadline. LOA application forms are available on the Graduate Division's website.
2021 Los Angeles Review of Books Publishing Workshop Fellowship Program
Los Angeles Review of Books Publishing Workshop
June 27 - July 30, 2021
Applications due April 15
The Los Angeles Review of Books is once again accepting applications for the LARB Publishing Workshop. As many of you already know, each summer LARB offers an intensive publishing course that trains students from diverse backgrounds in all aspects of book, magazine, and new media publishing. Since 2019, we have been able to provide two fellowships for UCSC students to attend the Publishing Workshop (this includes the cost of tuition and a $1,000 stipend). Graduate student applicants from any discipline will be considered.
(A brief video highlighting the experiences of prior attendees is available here:
v=XXfFUOk9kiQ&t=2s). Please read the full announcement below and feel free to contact Megan Moodie with any additional questions: Please note that unlike previous years, applicants should apply directly through the PW website and not via UCSC.
A five-week intensive summer course, the LARB Publishing Workshop prepares students to succeed in the ever-changing, often seemingly impenetrable world of publishing. From June 27 - July 30, Workshop Fellows will learn from the industry professionals shaping print and digital publishing today. Speakers include Lara Blackman (Audible Originals), Nicole Counts (One World), Nicole Chung (Catapult), Evette Dionne (Bitch Media), Dennis Johnson (Melville House), Jennifer 8. Lee (Plympton), Ismail Muhammad (New York Times Magazine), Jyothi Natarajan (The Margins, Asian American Writers' Workshop), Niko Pfund (Oxford UP), Rebecca Saletan (Riverhead), Joshua Trannen (Duke UP), among others.This year, in addition to participating in lectures and workshops featuring over 50 guest speakers, Fellows will also have the opportunity to join one of two practical tracks dedicated to magazine and book production. These will culminate in the publication of our online magazine PubLab or books of their own design. This combination of practical skills, industry insights, and creative networks have helped Workshop Fellows start their own ventures or build careers in publishing. Since our inaugural program in 2017, alumni have gone on to jobs at journals, agencies, and presses such as Asymptote, Hill Nadell Literary Agency, Jack Jones Literary Arts, Random House, Red Hen Press, Stanford University Press, W.W. Norton & Co., and many more.
The program is open to graduating college seniors, those who have recently graduated (alumni of any college or university), current graduate students, and people with relevant experience and interest in entering the publishing industry. Full and partial scholarships are available, in keeping with our mission of accessibility, and we regularly partner with colleges and universities to provide fellowships for their students to attend. In light of the ongoing public health crisis and in keeping with our commitment to accessibility, this year’s program will be conducted virtually.Apply now through April 15. For more information and applications visit thepublishingworkshop.
Office Hours with Associate Vice Chancellor/Chief Diversity Officer Linda Scholz
Associate Vice Chancellor/Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Teresa Maria Linda Scholz welcomes the opportunity to talk about your UCSC experience! Share your perspective on current campus climate, ask questions, and discuss ideas on how we can continue to support diversity and foster equity and inclusion.
Email for an appointment.
Tuesday, February 23rd, 9-11am
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2 - 4pm
Tuesday, March 30th, 1 - 3pm
Thursday, April 15th, 3-5pm
FLYER: Chat%20with%20AVC_CDO%20Linda%20Scholz.pdf
The Environmental Studies Department at UCSC is pleased to offer 4 graduate student research fellowships (GSRs) of $7500 each for summer 2021 to students who conduct interdisciplinary research on climate change or climate change and water issues.
Awards are available to graduate students in any department at UCSC. Priority will be given to students who: (1) are working with UCSC faculty in two different disciplines (ideally labs that have not collaborated extensively in the past), (2) whose projects show promise to provide pilot data to help secure additional outside funding, and (3) whose results have clear applications to environmental problem solving.
Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.
Funding: The award provides a $7500 GSRship for summer 2021 to cover summer salary plus additional research funds.
Please use this online form to apply for the Hammett Award.
Letters of reference should be sent to
Deadline: Thursday, April 29th by 5:00pm.
For more information, and to view all of the submission requirements, please visit the Hammett Award Website.
Open Call - JSMF - 2021 Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards
2021 Postdoctoral Fellowship Awards for Dynamic and Multiscale Systems
Application Deadline: June 11, 2021
The fellowship is geared to students near the completion of their doctoral training and committed to acquiring new skills and experience in a multi-disciplinary field such as complex systems science. The JSMF fellowship is designed to provide students with opportunities to pursue postdoctoral training aligned with the student's interest and desire to obtain additional skills and experience that will further their pursuit of careers in complex systems science.
·Students should anticipate completing their degree requirements and activating the Fellowship between May 2022 and April 2023.
·The JSMF Fellowship is a unique opportunity for students with an interest in and an aptitude for complexity science who are in the final stages of completing their Ph.D. and looking to add new dimensions to their graduate training that will either be difficult or impossible without an independent source of funding.
·Important: This Fellowship is not intended for individuals that already have completed a Ph.D. or students that have already identified a postdoctoral position and a postdoctoral mentor as traditional.
Award Details:
·$200,000 USD to be expended in no less than 2 and no more than 3 years.
·The cost of the full postdoctoral salary or stipend and fringe benefits must be paid in full from the fellowship.
·Institutions cannot request that other funding sources be used to cover the Fellow’s salary or stipend; the primary purpose of this fellowship is the independence of the postdoctoral fellow.
·JSMF does not consider dependence on institutional or research grant funding as commensurate with such independence. The fellowship is not intended to provide general support to a laboratory or department.
·If the institutional postdoctoral salary scales are set such that there are funds in excess of what is needed for stipend and benefits, the excess funds can be used by the institution to support the Fellow’s research.
Special Requirements: Please promptly submit your proposal intake form prior to the UCSC's Internal Institutional Deadlines. For proposal support, or for any questions about institutional requirements, please send requests and questions to the research development team at A proposal development specialist will field your requests.
Call sent: March 12, 2021
The Office Foundation Relations is a unit of University Relations. The FR team creates and maintains mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with private organizations, matching grant initiatives with educational and research programs and centers. FR supports faculty and staff to identify and approach these and other private foundations and corporations for funding, to assist in strategic positioning of the grant application, and to facilitate funder campus visits.
For a list of recent funding opportunities, please visit the FR website. FR Calls for Funding
Registration now open for the 17th annual Graduate Research Symposium
The Division of Graduate Studies is now accepting graduate student registration for the 17th annual UC Santa Cruz Graduate Research Symposium. Registration is on a first-come basis. There is no selection process but a limit (100) to number of presenters, so register early!
For complete information about the Graduate Research Symposium, click here.
For video recording and other instructions, click here.
For the judging rubric, click here.
Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and campus shutdown, this year’s symposium, like last year’s, will be virtual. Unlike last year’s, however, this year graduate student participants will record their presentations. These will be available on the Division of Graduate Studies YouTube channel and/or will livestream throughout Alumni Week, April 19-24.
DEADLINE to Submit Online Registration and upload your presentation video file to your personal UCSC Google Drive symposium folder:
Friday, APRIL 16, 2021, 5:00:00 p.m. Pacific Time
You may register prior to recording and uploading your presentation video.
The judging period will be April 17-22. VPDGS Quentin Williams will announce the winners via Zoom webinar:
Friday, April 23, 2021
4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Recording your presentation gives great flexibility. You may opt for any visual aid accompaniment, such as slides, taking the audience through a poster, showing a video clip or game snippet, and so on. You may opt to have no visual aid accompaniment and give a speaking presentation only. If you opt to include visual aid accompaniment, be sure to make the visual aid screen time supplemental (not more than 50%) compared to your appearance in the video. Because of the remote and virtual nature of the symposium, the Graduate Division recommends you prepare a video with you as the sole presenter. If you want to have co-presenters (one to three), please contact Sonya Newlyn ( to discuss.
- The time limit for the video is five minutes.
- Do not add a title screen to your video. ITS-Learning Technologies will add uniform title screens to all videos with presenter names, programs, and presentation titles.
- Do not start a slide presentation with a title slide, as this information will appear on the title screen of your video.
- Do not begin your presentation talk by introducing yourself, as this information will appear on the title screen of your video. Start immediately with your presentation content.
Registration is limited to 100 presenters.
Only one presentation is permitted per presenter. Presenters must be enrolled UC Santa Cruz graduate students to present at the Graduate Research Symposium.
SDSC HPC User Training Series 2021
January 22 – March 12, 2021 & April 9 – May 7, 2021
Friday’s from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (PST)
Register TODAY
This High-Performance Computing (HPC) User Training series is open to all who are interested in advancing their knowledge and experience on HPC systems and concepts. The program was originally developed in 2019 to support UCSD undergraduates interested in furthering their knowledge of HPC concepts and hands-on training, as well as, building a team interested in competing in the annual Student Cluster Competition held at the annual International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC). This program continues to focus efforts on building a team to complete in the annual SC Student Cluster Competition but also extends to any who are interested in attending.
Learn more about the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC)
Additional SDSC training for Advanced Computing Users
Questions regarding our events, please contact us at
Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education
Climate Justice Symposium for Transforming Education
A free event open to everyone
Climate Justice is both a movement and a way of approaching the climate crisis that foregrounds connections between global warming and social injustice. Climate Justice must be imagined and produced from the standpoint of the impactful work of ongoing Environmental Justice scholarship and activism, which demands that Climate Justice be achieved through Anti-Racism. Climate justice holds that though U.S. communities of color in the Global North and communities throughout the Global South have contributed less to climate change than communities with more privilege, they are the most likely to experience the worst effects of climate change. Because climate change is an extension of other forms of oppression, these communities’ traditions of resistance must lead the way for identifying climate solutions.
During the symposium, we will be exploring:
- How to integrate climate justice into higher education curriculum (including into medical school curriculum) and how to scale up these efforts;
- Community engagement through climate justice curricula;
- Just and transformative pedagogies; and
- The role of health in the climate crisis dialogue.
This event is free and open to anyone interested in attending. Sessions will be offered in a mix of pre-recorded and live formats. All live components of the conference will also be recorded and available after the event, so if the timing doesn't work for you, we still encourage you to register so that you can receive instructions on how to access the free post-event recordings.
The virtual event will be hosted April 28th through May 1st. Live sessions will occur between 10am-12pm and 2-4pm each day in addition to pre-recorded sessions available at your convenience.
Registration Link for Attendance: https://tinyurl.
Lightning Talks and Opportunity to Win Prize Money!
We are also seeking proposals for lightning talks from Faculty, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Students who would like to present 3-5 slides in 5-7 minutes on one of our core conference topic focuses (see bullet points above). We will ask presenters to pre-record these lightning talks and participants will be able to vote on their favorite talks. Cash prizes will be awarded to the most popular pre-recorded lightning talks and awards will be given in the amounts of:
- Three CSU Faculty will be selected for: Gold ($1,000), Silver ($500), and Bronze ($300)
- Three CSU Students will be selected for: Gold ($1,000), Silver ($500), and Bronze ($300)
- Three UC Faculty will be selected for: Gold ($1,000), Silver ($500), and Bronze ($300)
- Three UC Students will be selected for: Gold ($1,000), Silver ($500), and Bronze ($300)
Please note that student awards will be coordinated through the Financial Aid office of the winning students. Faculty awards will be in the form of an award to be used towards their research and/or teaching and the award will be transferred to their home academic department. Applicants for lightning talks must register to give a lightning talk by 4/9/2021 at:
Registration Link for Attendance: https://tinyurl.
Anthem Internship Opportunity
The Anthem Technology Intern Program allows graduate students to gain real-world work experience in their academic field. During the summer months, interns will engage in challenging projects evolving around the rapidly changing healthcare tech industry. Interns are paired with industry professionals and mentors and will be given opportunities to stretch their skills and enrich their knowledge base to achieve a greater understanding within technology. If the intern performs well throughout the internship, there will be opportunities for fulltime employment once the intern graduates.
Interns will participate in activities to enhance connection to the company as a whole and encourage personal growth. Some of these activities include:
- Formal onboarding event for all students to ensure integration to the organization and program
- A one on one mentorship with a leader for the duration of the program
- Cadenced Learning series to build student’s acumen and focus on learning the business
- Opportunities to grow and develop through social and networking events
Analytics Interns will be assigned to a specific group within Digital and Information Technology based on skill set and need of the business. Graduate students should have experience and education in:
- Analyzes business and IT needs to determine optimal means of meeting those needs.
- Responsible for developing strategies, programs and solutions based on business priorities, consumer insights and industry trends that support digital strategy.
- Responsible for gathering and assessing market requirements through competitive intelligence and emerging trends, stakeholder and consumer feedback
- Contribute to Strategy and Business Development Efforts
- Develop and Deliver Presentations to Key Stakeholders
- Project Management and Coordination
- Graduate student in Healthcare domains specifically project management, data and analytics, business analytics, or related field
- Bachelor’s degree with proven record of high achievement
- Graduation date between August 2020 to May 2021
- GPA of 3.0 or above
- Advanced user of Microsoft Suite - Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, MS Teams
- Willingness and capacity to learn quickly and apply new knowledge
- Proven analytical skills, excellent written and oral communication abilities
Energetic self-starter with willingness to work hard, take on significant and multiple responsibilities, and with dedication towards excellence and achieving results.
Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning (CITL) Teaching for Equity Graduate Certificate Program - Spring 2021
Registration opens Monday, February 22 at 9:00am Pacific Time:
Are you passionate about promoting equity in higher education? CITL’s Teaching for Equity Graduate Certificate Program is a unique professionalization curriculum designed to enhance your understanding and implementation of best practices in equity-focused pedagogy. Through engaging conversations and structured learning activities, we’ll explore key issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in college classrooms. You will be guided in developing teaching strategies shown to foster the equitable learning outcomes that inspired so many of us to pursue higher education as a calling.
This intimate learning community of graduate students from across campus will meet bi-weekly (5 sessions total) during Spring quarter. Included among the topics we’ll cover: identifying common institutional barriers to learning; teaching to cultural strengths; implementing Universal Design for Learning; embracing identity and difference in the classroom; promoting active and collaborative learning; using emotional connection to motivate learning; and scaffolding assignments to benefit student success.
Depending on your personal teaching goals, you will be supported through the process of developing components of an equity-focused course syllabus, along with associated lesson plans and learning activities.
This program is a commitment -- but we promise you’ll come away from the experience with an invaluable toolkit of equitable teaching strategies that will shape your course design and teaching practices for years to come. Please join us!
Program Dates: Five live Zoom sessions on every other Friday in Spring 2021, at 10:00am-12:00pm Pacific Time:
Friday, April 2 (Week 1)
Friday, April 16 (Week 3)
Friday, April 30 (Week 5)
Friday, May 14 (Week 7)
Friday, May 28 (Week 9)
How to Participate: Graduate students in any discipline and with any level of prior teaching experience are welcome to register. The certificate program is limited to 30 participants. Participants commit to attending all 5 workshops and to completing teaching-related projects with the structured support of the learning community.
Registration opens on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 9:00am Pacific Time and will remain open until Monday, March 1 at 9:00am Pacific Time.
Registration link:
A waitlist will automatically open after 30 people have registered. CITL will contact people on the waitlist in the order in which they sign up if any spots become available.
Find this information online at:
CART Fellowship Application Now Open
Applications for the CART Fellowship Program in Summer and Fall 2021 are now open! The deadline to apply is Monday, May 10th.
In the Center for Archival Research and Training, you can:
- Get paid experience working remotely with archival materials
- Create your own digital project aligned with your research and creative interests
- Enhance your research skills using archives and primary sources
- Help make archival collections more discoverable to researchers
- Learn about different library and archives career options
- Explore innovative digital tools that you can use in your research and teaching
- Make connections with graduate students from different disciplines and interests
More information about this year's CART fellowship is available on our website, and an online information session will be held at 12pm on Wednesday April 14th. Register here.
Contact CART Archivist Alix Norton at with any questions you have about the application and the program.
Hacking4Oceans 2021 Spring Course
![Hacking For Oceans Flyer](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Hacking4Oceans%20Flyer_March2021.jpg)
SDSC GPU Hackathon to be held in May- APPLY Now!
SDSC GPU Hackathon
Grab a Team and APPLY Today!
Application Deadline: March 4, 2021
Hackathon Prep Day 1: May 4, 2021
Hackathon Day 2 – 4: May 11 – 13, 2021
This event will be held virtually at no-charge.
GPU Hackathons provide exciting opportunities for scientists to accelerate their AI research or HPC codes under the guidance of mentors from national labs, universities and industry leaders in a collaborative environment.
The SDSC Hackathon is a multi-day event designed to help teams of three to six developers accelerate their own codes on GPUs using a programming model or machine learning framework of their choice. Each team is assigned mentors through the duration of the event.
This is a unique opportunity for teams to jumpstart acceleration or optimization of their code on GPUs. With the help of experienced mentors, each team should have significantly accelerated their code or know which steps to take to continue the work.
To get a better idea of what the virtual GPU Hackathon will be like, check out this blog post on the first virtual hackathon in the series hosted by SDSC last year.
SDSC’s Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Machine Learning (CIML) Summer Institute
SDSC’s Cyberinfrastructure-Enabled Machine Learning (CIML) Summer Institute |
June 18, 2021: Preparation Day Application deadline: Friday, April 23, 2021 This year’s CIML Summer Institute will involve introducing ML researchers, developers and educators to the techniques and methods needed to migrate their ML applications from smaller, locally run resources, such as laptops and workstations, to large-scale HPC systems, such as the SDSC Expanse supercomputer. Participants will have the opportunity to accelerate their learning process through highly interactive classes with hands-on tutorials on Expanse. Application and details at SDSC CIML 2021. |
SDSC's Annual High-Performance Computing and Data Science Summer Institute
SDSC's Annual High-Performance Computing and Data Science Summer Institute |
July 28, 2021: Preparation Day Application deadline: Sunday, May 2, 2021 Application and details at SDSC SI 2021. |
The Uses and Abuses of Data in Higher Education
Event Date and Time: 05/14/2021 8:45 amEvent Location: Zoom
We are excited to announce the upcoming Data Science Day 2021. To register for the event, please RSVP here. For further information on the event schedule and speakers, you can visit our website at
Vassar College Visiting Assistant Professor Position
The Computer Science Department at Vassar College has recently opened a search for a two-year Visiting Assistant Professor in Computer Science. We are attempting to attract a diverse pool of candidates, and as part of this effort we are reaching out to you. If you are aware of any qualified candidates who might be interested in teaching at an outstanding liberal arts institution, please share the attached job ad with them and encourage them to apply. The job ad may also be found at the following link: https://employment.
Flyer: Vassar_College_Visiting_Professor_Ad.pdf