CSE Directed Reading Program

The CSE Directed Reading Program is an opportunity for graduate students to work one on one with undergraduates for a quarter to help them study an advanced topic that the graduate student is knowledgeable about. The program requires a 5 hour weekly time commitment, consisting of a 1 hour weekly meeting with your graduate mentor and 4 hours of independent study. In your weekly meeting you should discuss the past week's readings, discuss and clarify concepts together, and pick a direction/readings for the next week.  Study materials can include textbooks, research papers, online lectures, etc... The time commitment for graduate students is only 1 hour a week, and would provide valuable mentoring and teaching experience (and potentially future undergraduate research candidates). Participation would be on a quarter by quarter basis, so that if you get really busy one quarter or are no longer interested in mentoring you can stop participating easily.

If you are a graduate interested in participating as a mentor in the CSE Directed Reading Program in Spring 2022, please fill out the following form: Link

Please send me an email at evin@ucsc.edu if you have any questions, input or just want to discuss this further!