BSOE Graduate Student Newsletter
Spring 2022 University DeadlinesLEED Training - California - Winter Webinars
SDSC's HPC/CI Training Series 2022 - Register today!
Inaugural Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Luncheon for Women in EE and CS
Google-CAHSI Dissertation Award Applications Now Open
CFA: Humanizing Technology Teaching Fellowships (Due April 29)
HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships
Transforming Structures of Whiteness in University Leadership
Spring 2022 University Deadlines
Please note the following upcoming university deadlines, and ALWAYS check the Academic and Administrative Calendar for important dates and deadlines. Bookmark this year's Academic and Administrative Calendar and refer to it regularly.
Monday, April 4th Graduate Student Enrollment & Fee Payment
If you have not paid your registration fees or enrolled in the minimum number of courses by this date, you will be charged a $50 late fee. Please keep in mind that pending aid (Fellowship, GSR, TA) will not credit your account until you are enrolled in at least 5 units.
Monday, April 4th Graduate Student Part-Time Status
This is the deadline to apply for reduced course load and fees. Part-time status forms must be approved/signed by your faculty advisor and submitted to the BSOE Graduate Advising office by the posted deadline. Part-time application forms are available on the Graduate Division's website.
Thursday, April 7th Deadline To Apply For Degree
If you plan to complete your MS or PhD this quarter (Spring 2022), the degree application needs to be submitted to BSOE Graduate Advising office. This is also the deadline to pay for filing fee, if applicable. More guidelines for graduating are available on the Graduate Advising website.
Friday, April 15th Deadline to Add/Drop/Swap Courses
This is your last day to add, drop and swap courses. You will not be able to drop or withdraw from courses after this deadline has passed. If you are enrolled in a placeholder class, you MUST drop it by this deadline. More information on how to add, drop, and swap classes is available on the registrar website.
Friday, May 6th Leave of Absence Spring Deadline
Deadline to petition for leave of absence (LOA) beginning the next quarter. LOA forms must be approved/signed by your faculty advisor and submitted to the BSOE Graduate Advising office by the posted deadline. LOA application forms are available on the Graduate Division's website.
Friday, May 27th Grade Option
This is your last day to change your grading option for any courses you are enrolled in.
IMPORTANT: The system defaults to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading. Instructions for how to change your grading option to letter grades (ABC) can be found here.
Friday, May 27th Late Add with Fee Deadline
The Add by Petition form requires the signatures of both the instructor and the department adviser and needs to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
LEED Training - California - Winter Webinars
Make your resume stand out with the premier sustainability designation called the LEED Green Associate! LEED is simply a sustainability scorecard for green buildings. As buildings can become LEED Certified, people can become LEED accredited! The best way to break into the sustainability space is to attain the LEED Green Associate. It also shows employers and clients you have certified knowledge in the field. Since the LEED GA exam doesn’t have a stellar pass rate, the value of the extra letters behind your name will carry even more weight.
Our engaging webinars have helped over 10K students and professionals learn the material cold AND clear the exam with a very high passing rate. The LEED Professional Designation has helped past participants attain internships and jobs and now is a great time to add this credential.
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - Webinar and Online self-paced options:
I will be offering live webinars that can be streamed on any of the following dates:
The above options (1-7) are all identical.
Register for a live webinar or start today with our on-demand recorded workshop completed anytime at your own pace here -
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home. Save money by reserving your spot today and make a positive difference in your career!
Cost: $200 - Students can use the coupon code ‘green’ for $50 off (Discounted course price $150)
Save your seat by registering here for our live or self-paced options -
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at
SDSC's HPC/CI Training Series 2022 - Register today!
We are looking to reach out to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty and staff at all UC campuses who may be interested in a training program on High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cyberinfrastructure (CI). This program allows students the opportunity for hands-on experience with SDSC’s latest supercomputer, Expanse.
FLYER: HPC-CI_Training_Series.png
Inaugural Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Luncheon for Women in EE and CS

Google-CAHSI Dissertation Award Applications Now Open
Google and CAHSI work together to offer the Google-CAHSI Dissertation Award which provides financial support to qualified Hispanic doctoral students at CAHSI institutions to complete the last year of their studies. Preference will be given to students with plans to enter academia.
The application process is now open! Applications are due May 31, 2022.
An Awardee must:
- Submit semester-end report on progress toward achieving milestones.
- Participate in CAHSI professional development activities that contribute to success in the professoriate.
- Hispanic doctoral student
- U.S. citizens or permanent residents
- Enrollment in a CS PhD program at a CAHSI institution and within one year of degree completion
- Interest in an academic career
To learn more and apply: Google CAHSI Dissertati
CFA: Humanizing Technology Teaching Fellowships (Due April 29)
Call for Applications: Humanizing Technology Teaching Fellowships
Deadline: Applications due April 29th, 2022Award: $5,000 summer fellowship and an opportunity for a one quarter GSI position in Winter, Spring, or Summer 2023.
We are seeking applications from qualified PhD students to serve as part of an instructional community for the Humanities Division’s recently awarded National Endowment for the Humanities grant “Humanizing Technology.” The goal of the grant is to develop a 5-course certificate program at the intersection of humanistic thought and contemporary issues in engineering. Teaching fellows selected for the program will work alongside faculty to collaboratively design one of these courses during Summer 2022. All graduate students will also be able to teach the course they helped design as a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) in Winter, Spring, or Summer 2023.
The five proposed courses are as follows:Participant Requirements: All graduate students must commit to fully participating in the instructional community. Participation includes:
- Ethics and Technology (Perspectives on Technology Gen Ed): This course explores ethical, social, and political issues raised by data scientific approaches to technology.
- Global History of Communication (Cross-Cultural Analysis Gen Ed): This course provides a historical framing of the development of communication technologies and practices, considering a variety of cultures and societies across human history.
- Humans and Machines, a History (Textual Analysis Gen Ed): This course explores the tension between humans and machines, between people and objects increasingly resembling them.
- Representing the Self and the Other (Interpreting Arts & Media Gen Ed): Focusing on paintings, prints, photographs, selfies, and avatars, this course considers how the composition and form of an image is shaped by the maker’s goals, by the technology, and by its audience.
- Race and Technology (Ethnicity & Race Gen Ed): This course examines how the construction of race connects with constructs in science and technology.
- Early Summer 2022: Attend summer course design institute for all instructional community members. This institute is conducted by CITL and will be held remotely from 10am-1pm on six days in July (twice a week for three weeks): Wed. July 6, Fri. July 8, Mon. July 11, Wed. July 13, Mon. July 18, and Wed. July 20.
- Late Summer 2022: Attend regular meetings with faculty course leads to design the syllabus and prepare the course for university approval.
- Winter, Spring, or Summer 2023 (optional): Teach a 30-person (max) seminar as a Graduate Student Instructor; GSIs will be appointed under a separate contract, and they will receive additional support from faculty and peer mentors, including at least one classroom visit.
Application consists of:
- PhD students must be in good academic standing and within normative time.
- PhD students need to be engaged in research and to have taught as a teaching assistant or GSI in a graduate program at UC Santa Cruz. Students from outside the Humanities Division will be considered if their research engages the themes of the grant, broadly construed.
- Applicants must be registered and in residence during the 2022-23 academic year. Students are ineligible to apply while on leave.
- Advancement to candidacy strongly preferred.
- Cover letter of no more than 2 pages describing why the applicant wants to join the Humanizing Technology instructional community. The letter should include relevant qualifications and describe which one(s) of the five courses are of particular interest and why.
- Graduate Director Form signed by your department Graduate Director confirming that you are within normative time and in good academic standing.
- One-page CV
- Application form
Learn more and apply here:
cfa-humanizing-technology- teaching-fellowships/
HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships
We would like to inform you that the applications are open for the “HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships”. Undergraduate or Graduate Students in all Studies are invited to apply.
Application Deadline: 31st July 2022
Total Award Amount: $5,000
HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships
Transforming Structures of Whiteness in University Leadership
The Center for Racial Justice is happy to announce an upcoming series centered on the research and writing of Associate Professor of Psychology Rebecca Covarrubias and graduate student Katherine Quinteros!
Please join us for the event series titled: Transforming Structures of Whiteness in University Leadership. Please save the dates and register below. More information to follow
FLYER: Transforming_Structures_Whiteness.pdf
This series will consist of three events:
Friday, February 18–Enacting Solidarities: Faculty/Staff Affinity Groups Report Back
The Faculty Community Networking Program was created to provide DEI arenas of community, development, and support for faculty from historically marginalized communities on campus. In this forum, leaders of these groups will present the issues and recommendations that emerged from their collective discussions, and report back on their groups’ experiences in trying to improve faculty community, development, and support. Discussion will focus on how to move this work forward.
Register Here (restricted to UCSC):
Friday, April 1– Calling Out Whiteness in University Structures of Leadership
Centering the voices and lived experiences of faculty of color (FOC) navigating university leadership is critical for exposing and transforming problematic structures. From a brief research talk, audiences will learn how FOC navigate and reform structures of Whiteness in leadership. Interactive discussion with divisional deans will follow, with goals of understanding how to bolster the leadership efforts of FOC and undo structures of Whiteness.
Register Here (restricted to UCSC):
TBD–Recognizing Invisible Labor in the University: Ways Forward
Recent research and social movements have highlighted ways that racism and sexism remain entrenched in the academy. Patterns of faculty workload show clear inequities, with faculty from historically minoritized groups disproportionately doing more service, diversity and mentoring work, with women faculty doing more teaching and service. These activities are essential to university functioning, yet are often invisible and unrewarded, leading to lower productivity and decreased retention. In this event, our panelists will discuss examples of promising practices and policies that have been developed both within the University of California system and beyond, for recognizing and rewarding invisible labor.
Registration forthcoming.
Intern opportunity for PhD student Computer Science Laboratory at SRI
The Computer Science Laboratory at SRI is looking for a summer intern this year (see job posting below). The student will work with Dr. Huascar Sanchez and other CSL researchers on detecting emergent anomalous developer behavior in open-source projects by leveraging machine learning, data science, and source code analysis. The internship is geared towards PhD students with machine learning and code analysis interests.