BSOE Graduate Student Newsletter
New Announcements
$3,000 Fellowship on Higher Education for Doctoral Students at UC CampusesAnnouncements
Spring 2022 University DeadlinesGoogle-CAHSI Dissertation Award Applications Now Open
HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships
Baskin Graduate Students: UCSC Library wants to hear from you! Earn $25.
CCS Grad Student Hours
Apply for NextProf Nexus 2022
Transforming Structures of Whiteness in University Leadership
$3,000 Fellowship on Higher Education for Doctoral Students at UC Campuses
LEED Training - California - Winter Webinars
Inaugural Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Luncheon for Women in EE and CS
Spring 2022 University Deadlines
Please note the following upcoming university deadlines, and ALWAYS check the Academic and Administrative Calendar for important dates and deadlines. Bookmark this year's Academic and Administrative Calendar and refer to it regularly.
Monday, April 4th Graduate Student Enrollment & Fee Payment
If you have not paid your registration fees or enrolled in the minimum number of courses by this date, you will be charged a $50 late fee. Please keep in mind that pending aid (Fellowship, GSR, TA) will not credit your account until you are enrolled in at least 5 units.
Monday, April 4th Graduate Student Part-Time Status
This is the deadline to apply for reduced course load and fees. Part-time status forms must be approved/signed by your faculty advisor and submitted to the BSOE Graduate Advising office by the posted deadline. Part-time application forms are available on the Graduate Division's website.
Thursday, April 7th Deadline To Apply For Degree
If you plan to complete your MS or PhD this quarter (Spring 2022), the degree application needs to be submitted to BSOE Graduate Advising office. This is also the deadline to pay for filing fee, if applicable. More guidelines for graduating are available on the Graduate Advising website.
Friday, April 15th Deadline to Add/Drop/Swap Courses
This is your last day to add, drop and swap courses. You will not be able to drop or withdraw from courses after this deadline has passed. If you are enrolled in a placeholder class, you MUST drop it by this deadline. More information on how to add, drop, and swap classes is available on the registrar website.
Friday, May 6th Leave of Absence Spring Deadline
Deadline to petition for leave of absence (LOA) beginning the next quarter. LOA forms must be approved/signed by your faculty advisor and submitted to the BSOE Graduate Advising office by the posted deadline. LOA application forms are available on the Graduate Division's website.
Friday, May 27th Grade Option
This is your last day to change your grading option for any courses you are enrolled in.
IMPORTANT: The system defaults to Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading. Instructions for how to change your grading option to letter grades (ABC) can be found here.
Friday, May 27th Late Add with Fee Deadline
The Add by Petition form requires the signatures of both the instructor and the department adviser and needs to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.
Google-CAHSI Dissertation Award Applications Now Open
Google and CAHSI work together to offer the Google-CAHSI Dissertation Award which provides financial support to qualified Hispanic doctoral students at CAHSI institutions to complete the last year of their studies. Preference will be given to students with plans to enter academia.
The application process is now open! Applications are due May 31, 2022.
An Awardee must:
- Submit semester-end report on progress toward achieving milestones.
- Participate in CAHSI professional development activities that contribute to success in the professoriate.
- Hispanic doctoral student
- U.S. citizens or permanent residents
- Enrollment in a CS PhD program at a CAHSI institution and within one year of degree completion
- Interest in an academic career
To learn more and apply: Google CAHSI Dissertati
HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships
We would like to inform you that the applications are open for the “HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships”. Undergraduate or Graduate Students in all Studies are invited to apply.
Application Deadline: 31st July 2022
Total Award Amount: $5,000
HACU Cafe Bustelo El Cafe Del Futuro Scholarships
Baskin Graduate Students: UCSC Library wants to hear from you! Earn $25.
UCSC Library is seeking Baskin graduate students for informal conversations about your learning, research, and teaching experiences at UCSC.
Your responses will inform UCSC Library’s understanding of scholarly practices and student experience, which will help us prioritize library services and programming in response to BSOE needs.
What to expect:
- Conversations will last approximately 45 minutes
- A librarian and research assistant will attend
- Meetings will be either on campus or Zoom
- Questions will focus on your approach to research, teaching experience, and your professional goals
Compensation: $25 Amazon gift card
To sign up:
CCS Grad Student Hours
Pursuing a graduate degree is financially challenging. According to the UCSC BLUM Center, 31% of UCSC PhD students experienced food insecurity in 2017. Although graduate students are welcome to come into the coffee shop during normal hours, there can be a stigma of using an undergraduate-focused space. To cater directly to our graduate students, we’re hosting Graduate Student Hours to destigmatize the coffee shop and better support graduate students. Only graduate students will be served during this time! We’ll be serving (free!) coffee, tea, bagels, and a different snack each week.Flyer: ccs_grad_student_flyer.png
Apply for NextProf Nexus 2022
NextProf Nexus is a three-day program that is part of a nationwide effort to strengthen and diversify the next generation of academic leaders in engineering. This preeminent event is designed to give participants the opportunity to explore and prepare for a faculty position in academia.
Join a select cohort of diverse engineering Ph.D. students, recent doctoral graduates and top faculty and deans from around the country. NextProf Nexus is designed to encourage academic careers from traditionally underrepresented U.S. demographic groups and is open to individuals of any ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, veteran status, socio economic status, first generation to college status, and religion.
We strongly encourage women and traditionally underrepresented groups at U.S. institutions who are senior-level Ph.D. candidates, postdoctoral researchers or early-career scientists and researchers in the field of engineering to apply.
Attendees will leave NextProf with a clear understanding of the academic job market and how to navigate the rigors of first faculty positions.
- Meet mentors and future collaborators
- Attend panel discussions with successful faculty
- Learn about the faculty search process
- Prepare for the academic job market
- Plan for the rigors of first faculty positions
- Understand how to build a successful research program
Applicants may either apply directly to the workshop or be nominated by a faculty member. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, June 15, 2022.
More information here:
Transforming Structures of Whiteness in University Leadership
The Center for Racial Justice is happy to announce an upcoming series centered on the research and writing of Associate Professor of Psychology Rebecca Covarrubias and graduate student Katherine Quinteros!
Please join us for the event series titled: Transforming Structures of Whiteness in University Leadership. Please save the dates and register below. More information to follow
FLYER: Transforming_Structures_Whiteness.pdf
This series will consist of three events:
Friday, February 18–Enacting Solidarities: Faculty/Staff Affinity Groups Report Back
The Faculty Community Networking Program was created to provide DEI arenas of community, development, and support for faculty from historically marginalized communities on campus. In this forum, leaders of these groups will present the issues and recommendations that emerged from their collective discussions, and report back on their groups’ experiences in trying to improve faculty community, development, and support. Discussion will focus on how to move this work forward.
Register Here (restricted to UCSC):
Friday, April 1– Calling Out Whiteness in University Structures of Leadership
Centering the voices and lived experiences of faculty of color (FOC) navigating university leadership is critical for exposing and transforming problematic structures. From a brief research talk, audiences will learn how FOC navigate and reform structures of Whiteness in leadership. Interactive discussion with divisional deans will follow, with goals of understanding how to bolster the leadership efforts of FOC and undo structures of Whiteness.
Register Here (restricted to UCSC):
TBD–Recognizing Invisible Labor in the University: Ways Forward
Recent research and social movements have highlighted ways that racism and sexism remain entrenched in the academy. Patterns of faculty workload show clear inequities, with faculty from historically minoritized groups disproportionately doing more service, diversity and mentoring work, with women faculty doing more teaching and service. These activities are essential to university functioning, yet are often invisible and unrewarded, leading to lower productivity and decreased retention. In this event, our panelists will discuss examples of promising practices and policies that have been developed both within the University of California system and beyond, for recognizing and rewarding invisible labor.
Registration forthcoming.
$3,000 Fellowship on Higher Education for Doctoral Students at UC Campuses
The Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) at UC Berkeley invites doctoral students from all UC campuses who are conducting research on higher education to apply for the David P. Gardner Seminar.
Each year, CSHE sponsors the David P. Gardner Seminar for doctoral students who are conducting research related to higher education. Named after UC President Emeritus David P. Gardner, the seminar was expanded in 2020 beyond UC Berkeley to engage students across the University of California system. Applications are accepted from doctoral students from all the UC campuses who represent multiple academic disciplines and are studying some aspect of higher education. This broad range in the seminar participants creates a unique community of early career researchers in higher education within the University of California system.
For each session, CSHE invites diverse scholars and administrators to make presentations on key higher education topics in California, the nation and the world. Students in the seminar hear lectures from prominent education leaders including chancellors and former presidents of University of California. Past speakers have included:
- UC Regents Chairs, Cecilia Estolano and John Perez
- Professor Tolani Britton from the Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley
- Former Under Secretary for Education Martha Kanter
- Director of the Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE) at the University of Washington, Maresi Nerad
- Engage with a range of disciplines that are related to higher education;
- Learn from scholars about their current research;
- Broaden understanding of different research tools and methodologies;
- Present their own dissertation work;
- Explore potential career paths; and
- Create a community of early career higher education researchers
The seminar meets remotely every other week for two hours - at least 14 meetings during the academic year.
Participants in the seminar are called David P. Gardner Fellows. Upon completion of the seminar, they will receive a $3,000 stipend.
To Apply:
Application: https://forms.
Priority consideration is given to applications received before June 20, 2022. Please note that the enrollment is kept to 11 graduate students.
We look forward to engaging a new group of doctoral students in Fall 2022!
About CSHE:
The Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) at UC Berkeley is the nation’s first established research institute devoted to the study of higher education. The Center’s mission is to produce and support multi-disciplinary scholarly perspectives on strategic issues in higher education, to conduct relevant policy research, to promote the development of a community of scholars and policymakers engaged in policy-oriented discussion, and to serve the public as a resource on higher education.
LEED Training - California - Winter Webinars
Make your resume stand out with the premier sustainability designation called the LEED Green Associate! LEED is simply a sustainability scorecard for green buildings. As buildings can become LEED Certified, people can become LEED accredited! The best way to break into the sustainability space is to attain the LEED Green Associate. It also shows employers and clients you have certified knowledge in the field. Since the LEED GA exam doesn’t have a stellar pass rate, the value of the extra letters behind your name will carry even more weight.
Our engaging webinars have helped over 10K students and professionals learn the material cold AND clear the exam with a very high passing rate. The LEED Professional Designation has helped past participants attain internships and jobs and now is a great time to add this credential.
LEED Green Associate (GA) Training - Webinar and Online self-paced options:
I will be offering live webinars that can be streamed on any of the following dates:
The above options (1-7) are all identical.
Register for a live webinar or start today with our on-demand recorded workshop completed anytime at your own pace here -
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home. Save money by reserving your spot today and make a positive difference in your career!
Cost: $200 - Students can use the coupon code ‘green’ for $50 off (Discounted course price $150)
Save your seat by registering here for our live or self-paced options -
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at
Inaugural Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Luncheon for Women in EE and CS

6th Annual UCSC Postdoc Association Symposium
Event Date and Time: 05/24/2022 9:00 amEvent Location: Seymour Marine Discovery Center
With great pleasure, and on behalf of the UC Santa Cruz Postdocs Association (USPA), we are excited to announce that the 6th Annual UCSC Postdoc Symposium will take place in person on Tuesday May 24, 2022 at the beautiful Seymour Marine Discovery Center! Please see the attached flier for additional information.
Department chairs, administrative staff, and anyone else - please forward and post within your group.
Registration is now OPEN for ALL postdocs, graduate students, faculty, and staff:
ALL postdocs and graduate students are highly encouraged to submit abstracts for posters and talks!
The deadline for abstract submission (as part of the registration process) is May 3rd, 2022. More information and updates will be sent out and posted on the symposium website:
Please register early as in-person attendance for the morning and afternoon sessions will be limited due to space and Covid considerations. In-person attendance will be prioritized for postdocs and graduate students with the remaining spaces provided to early registrants. The evening poster session, social hours, and exhibit exploration will be open to all registrants (more details will be provided soon).
- Keynote addresses from Nobel Laureate Dr. Leland Hartwell and Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies Dr. Peter Biehl. Dr. Karen Miga will be joining us as a third keynote speaker!
- Oral and poster presentations against the backdrop of the beautiful Monterey Bay coastline
- Highlights from the UCSC postdoc and graduate student community
- Catered food and refreshments including breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks
- Evening poster session and mixer with refreshments
- Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar awards will be announced.
- Best Poster(s) will be awarded.
- Seymour Center exhibit exploration - come pet a shark!
The past two years have been uniquely challenging, and as we look forward to returning to campus life in full swing we see this as an excellent opportunity to highlight the academic achievements of the postdoc and graduate student community here at UCSC!
For any questions, or if you would like to sponsor this or other USPA events, please contact us at
Event Date and Time: 05/25/2022 1:00 pmEvent Location: McHenry Library
Save the date! May 25th, 1-5 pm.
We are excited to host the 6th Annual 2022 Digital Scholarship Symposium.
This year's event will be hosted in person, with portions of the event
streamed via Zoom. UCSC students are provided two unique opportunities
within the symposium to present their digital scholarship projects - an
interactive digital poster session and an opportunity for a short VizWall
on showcasing the independent, digital research and classroom work of UCSC
undergraduate and graduate students. Join us to explore public facing,
media-rich, critically engaged, and creative student research.
This event is planned as an in person event on the ground floor of McHenry
library in the David Kirk Digital Scholarship Commons. VizWall talks will
also be streamed via Zoom, and all projects will be highlighted on
event <https://calendar.library.ucsc
➤ Learn more and/or apply to present
How'd You Get That Job?
Event Date and Time: 05/25/2022 12:00 pmEvent Location: Zoom
Interested in ways you can leverage your graduate degree to find fulfilling work outside academia? Join us for an informative and honest discussion on post-grad life with a panel of successful UCSC graduate student alumni who have successfully made the transition to careers in industry and beyond!
12-1:30pm on Zoom
Register here:
FLYER: Get_That_Job.pdf
6th Annual 2022 Digital Scholarship Symposium
Event Date and Time: 05/25/2022 1:00 pmEvent Location: McHenry Library/Zoom
We are excited to host the 6th Annual 2022 Digital Scholarship Symposium.
This year's event will be hosted in person, with portions of the event
streamed via Zoom. UCSC students are provided two unique opportunities
within the symposium to present their digital scholarship projects - an
interactive digital poster session and an opportunity for a short VizWall
on showcasing the independent, digital research and classroom work of UCSC
undergraduate and graduate students. Join us to explore public facing,
media-rich, critically engaged, and creative student research.
This event is planned as an in person event on the ground floor of McHenry
library in the David Kirk Digital Scholarship Commons. VizWall talks will
also be streamed via Zoom, and all projects will be highlighted on
➤ Register to attend the event <https://calendar.library.ucsc
➤ Learn more and/or apply to present <https://guides.library.ucsc.e
Sign up for USPTO Virtual Patent Examiner Office Hours!
Event Date and Time: 05/19/2022 11:00 amEvent Location: Zoom
Are you a computer engineering or electrical engineering scholar looking to launch your career? Are you looking for a fulfilling job at the forefront of innovation that offers career growth opportunities?
Join United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recruiters for virtual office hours this Tuesday, May 24!
When you sign up for a 15-minute session during our virtual office hours, you’ll get to chat one-on-one with USPTO recruiters who are current Supervisory Patent Examiners. They'll answer your specific questions about a patent examining career with the federal government, including the hiring process.
The USPTO is America’s Innovation Agency. We’ve been ranked a top federal government workplace, and we’re actively hiring Patent Examiners!
Click here to register now and reserve your 15-minute slot!
Available appointment times range from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm ET on Tuesday May 24, 2022
When registering, pick from two virtual meeting rooms:
- Tuesday May 24 (Computer Engineering)
- Tuesday May 24 (Electrical Engineering)
You'll get an e-mail with a link for your meeting, which will be held virtually on Microsoft Teams.
To learn more about how to become a patent examiner, please also visit our jobs page on the USPTO website.
Intern opportunity for PhD student Computer Science Laboratory at SRI
The Computer Science Laboratory at SRI is looking for a summer intern this year (see job posting below). The student will work with Dr. Huascar Sanchez and other CSL researchers on detecting emergent anomalous developer behavior in open-source projects by leveraging machine learning, data science, and source code analysis. The internship is geared towards PhD students with machine learning and code analysis interests.
School of Computing and Design CSUMB Open Faculty Positions
The School of Computing and Design at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) is hiring part-time and full-time faculty. A Masters degree in the corresponding field is required.