Upcoming and Recent Statistics Events

Type: M.S. Capstone Project Presentation
Title: Using VAR Model to explore cortical connectivity during perturbations
Speaker: Chloe Zhang
Advisor: Raquel Prado


Type: M.S. Capstone Project Presentation
Title: Sketching algorithms for clustering high dimensional data
Speaker: Gulzina Kuttubekova
Advisor: Richard Li


Type: M.S. Capstone Project Presentation
Title: Time-Varying Auto-Regressive analysis of tremors during ice-stream stick slips on the Whillans Ice Plain.
Speaker: Allan R Brewer Cappellin
Advisor: Bruno Sanso


Type: Ph.D. Defense
TitleMultivariate Nearest-Neighbors Gaussian Processes with Random Covariance Matrices
Speaker: Isabelle Grenier
Advisor: Bruno Sanso


Type: Ph.D. Defense
TitleHigh-Dimensional Inference and Uncertainty Quantification for Variable Selection, Clustering and Object-oriented Analysis with Bayesian and Approximate Bayesian Methods
Speaker: Rene Gutierrez
Advisor: Rajarshi Guhaniyogi


Type: Ph.D. Defense
TitleFlexible Bayesian Modeling and Inference Methods for Hawkes Processes
Speaker: Hyotae Kim
Advisor: Athanasios Kottas


Type: Ph.D. Defense
Title: Flexible Dynamic Quantile Linear Models
Speaker: Raquel Barata
Advisors: Bruno Sanso and Raquel Prado


Type: M.S. Capstone Project Presentation
Title: Feeding Time in the Spotted Hyena Cub: An Exploration of Social Rank and Age using a Bayesian Hierarchical Approach
Speaker: Heidi Rogers
Advisor: Athanasios Kottas


Type: M.S. Capstone Project Presentation
Title: Implementation of the Continuation-Ratio Logit Model to Survey Response Data Using Bayesian Methods
Speaker: Tracey Ramirez
Advisor: Athanasios Kottas


Type: Advancement to Candidacy
Title: Multivariate Extreme Value Theory and Applications to Anomaly Detection
Speaker: Peter Trubey, Ph.D. Student, Statistical Science
Advisor: Bruno Sanso


Type: Advancement to Candidacy
Title: Joint Model for Recurrent Events and Survival Times Using Bayesian Nonparametric Approaches
Speaker: Yunzhe Li, Ph.D. Student, Statistical Science
Advisors: Athanasios Kottas and Juhee Lee


Type: Advancement to Candidacy
Title: Some Count Time Series Results
Speaker: Jiajie Kong, Ph.D. Student, Statistical Science
Advisor: Robert Lund


Type: Dissertation Defense
Title: Bayesian Modeling for Heterogeneous Multivariate Data
Speaker: Arthur Lui, Ph.D. Candidate, Statistical Science
Advisor: Juhee Lee


Type: Advancement to Candidacy
Title: Scalable Bayesian Inference on Spectral Analysis of Multivariate Time Series
Speaker: Zhixiong Hu, Ph.D. Student, Statistical Science
Advisor: Raquel Prado


Type: Dissertation Defense
Title: Spherical Latent Factor Model for Binary and Ordinal Data
Speaker: Xingchen Yu, Ph.D. Candidate, Statistical Science
Advisor: Professor Abel Rodriguez